Lock down days – Experiences – Post 3

Covid 19 – no vaccine and no cure yet.

The mind pondered over how the virus did not go to other major cities in China like Beijing, Shanghai and only got restricted to Wuhan ? Then my mind got some kind of satisfaction that there is a possibility of controlling the virus by lock down. However, again got worried with the thought whether is it possible in India ?

The threat of contagious and the multiplication factor of the virus took me to the fact of fatality rate and how we are going to handle the crisis if mortality is high. In fact at one point these factors and imaginations arising out of fear made me to doubt whether normal life would ever come back. WhatsApp video of the conditions in Wuhan and the handling of the situation made me to conclude in fact this is the end.

After a while, as there is no end to imagination, I tried hard to put a brake to the wild imagination and sat quietly. I said to myself, the world is facing an unknown situation – a war – act of god – where humans have no control. Under such circumstances, is it not better to go along with the tide and to feel that all this is for greater good.

Thinking in these lines made to feel better and I in fact felt energetic.

More in my next post.


I am a lawyer, practising in Chennai. I specialise on property law, civil suits and drafting.

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