We are often told or we say :: what you have said is unwarranted – please mind your words.

:: why have you done this ? I never thought you will do such a thing.

Is it the word or the act which is to be blamed ?

I was pondering over this for a while and I realised it is not the “word” or the “act” :: it is the thought – Yes thought is the cause of action for our “words” and “act”.

If we control our thoughts – we will certainly control our word and and act.

It is very difficult to control – thought = as a monkey jump here and there and all over the place – insecurity, fear, anxiety, anger, sadness, happiness – how to control ?

VERY DIFFICULT unless by conscious practise – Once we control our thoughts – I think we can avoid entanglement.


I am a lawyer, practising in Chennai. I specialise on property law, civil suits and drafting.

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