Lock down days – Experiences-Post 2

On the morning of the 2nd day of lock down, I got up from the bed mulling the effect of lock down and its impact.

Looked at the news paper – all about virus, its impact on the globe, number of infections and fatality rate both in the news item and by graphical representation, doubling rate, borders closed down all over the globe and lock down restrictions.

Curfew in the country. Curfew… Though never lived in a city which had a curfew, imposition of curfew – the restriction on movement paralysed my mind from thinking/acting. Literally, morning chores were done mechanically and without applying mind.

Curfew and social distancing seems to be the only way to control this corona virus as this virus is highly contagious. Hence, all of a sudden, without notice, practically all activity – social, professional, travel, leisure and economical activity has come to a grinding halt that too without any idea of how long. At least for some months there won’t be leisure, dining outside, get-together, gatherings or travel activity.

When this thought of leisure and dining came to my mind, suddenly I realised how the concept of leisure and dining was misused and abused and how this concept of malls, theatres, eateries and joints, uber and ola and take away facilities spoilt the way of living and the amount of whiling away of valuable time and not the least the cost, yes, a big chunk of the hard earned money.

It really took some time for me to come back to the thinking of what lay ahead, how to manage the family and handle this pandemic period both financially, mentally and physically.

Suddenly, the mind, yes the monkey, brought me to the point that there is no cure for this virus and by social distancing the same can be controlled. There is no vaccine and cure. Again the whole place became dark, my mind spinning, I forcefully and with great difficulty put a break to this taking me any further. I took a deep breath.

More in my next post.


I am a lawyer, practising in Chennai. I specialise on property law, civil suits and drafting.

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