I had in my post on 01.06.2020 posted that I will share my lock down experiences.
My first child is in final year and my second child is in plus 2 final year. My first child had plans for her post graduation but her final year exams got postponed before even started. For the second child Board exam for all subjects were over except one.
For me courts are closed.
So, it is family time, myself, my wife, two children and my father who is 88 years.
On the 25th March at about 8 pm we just finished our dinner, when national lock down was announced. Closing my eyes, my immediate feeling was “It is end of the world”. Fear gripping, life, children higher education, work, finance, normalcy and future all looked as though all fell apart and everything looked dark and empty. What all wild, worst and nightmarish imagination fear brings. Yes “fear” is a funeral pyre. I could not sleep and suddenly at round 2 am I felt breathless and in fact ran out of my apartment from the second floor to the open area to get fresh air. Put it short, I straight leapt into the funeral pyre.
Got up from the bed the next day morning, having no routine or schedules to attend to, looking ahead the whole day looked blank.
News paper came and looking at the news paper about the death rate and pandemic in peak in US, Europe and all over the globe, I started to imagine the effect, the pandemic will have on India. Considering the population, illiteracy, living conditions, facilities, infrastructure, number of people below poverty made me to wonder how we are going to handle this pandemic.
As the day slowly passed by, in the evening the discussion of virus went to the next stage of incubation period and it will peak after 14 days multiplied by leaps and bounds. Then I started to count the days for incubation period and could not get clarity on the 14th day since I could not figure out the first day to calculate the incubation period. Next is the influence of hot summer on the virus. The information, though the authenticity not known that virus cannot withstand heat gave some solace. Whatsapp message pouring on the virus added fuel to the fire. The multicolour vision of the world turned to black and white I went to bed.
More on experiences in my next post.